
2015年10月25日 星期日

LifeWave“冰波貼片”(IceWave patch)對人體生物場效果研究

桑頓W.J.A.斯特里特,金佰利Schipke,Sharique紮法爾·拉維Prayag,Vaibhav的Lunkad,Nilkanth Bhagyashri,Aniruddha甘地,Anuja Ranade,Shivali丹德卡爾

中心的生物場科學(CBS),技術,Paud路,Kothrud,浦那的世界和平中心的馬哈拉施特拉邦研究所 -  411038,MS,印度;網站:http://www.biofieldsciences.com *整體健康照護與研究機構,002 / 3,阿加瓦爾山景,EVERSHINE市,近拉姆 - 拉希姆格爾,Vasai(E) -  401208,塔納,MS,印度。電子郵件:drshariquezafar@gmail.com網站:http://www.hhcro.org






根據古老的知識,這些能量中心有如花瓣狀,如眉心輪(Ajana)有2個花瓣。這些脈輪接收下一個輪的能量轉發到另一個輪。這七個主要脈輪也與身體內的腺體有關。七個中心(梵文名稱)包括海底輪( Muladhara Chakra ),生殖輪(Svadhisthana Chakra),臍輪(Manipura Chakra),心輪(Anahat Chakra) ,喉輪(Vishuddha Chakra),眉心輪 (Ajina Chakra) 和頂輪 (Sahasrara Chakra) 位於沿所述主體的被示於圖1。每個中心旋轉在其自己的特定中間頻率。最慢的能量中心是在底層,而頻率逐漸增大到最上層中心。

Lifewave products are based on the principles of homeopathy and activate the body's bio-energetic system. The Ice- Wave patch is a non-transdermal patch which gently stimulates acupuncture points to improve energy flow in the body to relieve pain and discomfort. Low levels of glutathione in the body have been shown to result in pain. LifeWave patches are composed of organic materials recognized as safe by the FDA. Since acupuncture has been proven to alleviate pain, LifeWave patches utilize specific acupuncture points to reduce pain in subjects. The lceWave patch has already shown positive results, but this study will validate previous studies. The aim of this research project was to examine the changes in the 7 chakras, in the biofield symmetry and surface area and in the physiology as measured with bio-impedences as a result of using the LifeWave IceWave patch. To evaluate the efficacy of the patch, the Centre for Biofield Sciences used (1) Polycontrast Interference Photography (2) Gas Discharge Visualization (3) Electro Interstitial Scan.

Poly-contrast Interference Photography (PIP) is a non-invasive, light analysis technology invented by Dr. Harry Oldfield. It requires the human body to be exposed to a full spectrum-controlled lighting environment. The absorption and reflection intensities are color coded and analyzed. PIP is most useful when analyzing the body for congestions & leakages that appear above the specific organ or part of the body being investigated. Typically it is understood that body will absorb more light (i.e. reflect less) where it has issues in comparison to the rest of the participant's body. Reduction in red/orange colored low energy, or replacement of low energy with green, pink violet colored positive energy is considered to be a positive change in the body, as well as the reduction in pooling of energy or opening up of charkas. Subtle pink positive energy can be seen along with golden yellow spiritual energy and green positive energy. Digestive issues can be seen in his abdomen which is indicated by red low energy and asymmetrical patterns.

Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) is an advanced form of Kirlian photography, developed by Dr. Korotkov. Anelectric impulse stimulates a biological subject and generates a response of the subject in the form of photon & electron emission. The glow of the photon radiation owing to the gas discharge generated in electromagnetic field is transformed by optical & charge couple device systems into a computer file. Overall, the aura is asymmetrical showing energy leaks on the left side in the solar plexus and base chakra regions. 

The Electro Interstitial Scan (EIS) is a programmable electro medical system, which is scientifically proven andclinically validated as an effective diagnostic device. Efficient and non-invasive medical device that measures physiological parameters and produces detail reports with 89 % repeatable accuracy. It measures conductivity of interstitial fluid between the cells. The bio-impedance technology is very similar to ECG and EEG, but instead of supplying information for brain or heart only, EIS measures electro physiological properties of 22 different volumes within the body and comes up with 69 different physiological parameters.” 

Materials and Methods:

Participants were randomly selected from solicitation from local newspaper advertisements and university notices. Approximately 150 subjects were reviewed to ensure they met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. in order to participate inthis study, subjects were required to be between 18 and 70 years of age and could not participate if pregnant or nursing. Prior to initiating the study, the principal investigator verbally explained the study to the subject and fully answered any questions the subject may have had. The subject was then asked to read and sign the consent form. The subject was allowed to take a copy of the consent form home to discuss study participation with family, friends, and/orgeneral physician. A patient number was then given to the subject to maintain confidentiality and facilitate randomization of the treatment group.

Fifty people were in the IceWave patch experimental group and 20 people were in the control group. The control group wore similar looking patches for application, whereby the study could be performed as double blind. Neither participant, nor researcher knew whether they were given a study patch or a placebo. Research subjects were randomly assigned to one of the two groups. The subjects were then scanned using the PIP, GDV, and EIS. Subjects randomized to the lceWave group were asked to adhere the patches on the area of pain as determined by the three scans using the cross method as shown in the LifeWave handout “Patch Instructions" for 12 hours. The same set of scan was repeated after 24 hours.

LifeWave的產品是基於順勢的原則和激活人體的生物能量系統。“冰波貼片”是完全無藥物的一種非經皮吸收性質的貼片,它只輕輕地刺激穴位來提高在體內的能量流,以減輕疼痛和不適感。而“穀胱甘肽”在體內含量過低已被證明會導致疼痛。 LifeWave的貼片被FDA認可為安全的有機材料所組成的。由於針灸已被證明可以減輕疼痛,LifeWave貼片也利用特定穴位,貼了減輕疼痛發生的“冰波貼片”已經顯示出積極效果,這次的研究項目將驗證以前研究,並作為當作生物阻抗量測所使用LifeWave“冰波貼片”的結果,以此來檢查前述用來改變“脈輪”為目的與在生物場的對稱性以及在生理學上表面積的變化。為了評估貼片的功效,該中心為生物場科學研究中使用(1)聚對比度干擾攝影(2)氣體放電可視化(3)電間質性掃描。








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